Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives

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Faculty of sport sciences, Nantes Université (UFR STAPS)

Faculty of sport sciences, Nantes Université (UFR STAPS) is part of the Nantes Université. It welcomes around 1500 students who are aiming for careers within sport, from teaching physical education, sports training, sports management, to research into sports science (within the 3 associated laboratories).

Faculty of sport sciences, Nantes Université is located at the edge of the university's Tertre campus, and is located nearby all facilities which are essential to students (such as the university library, university restaurant, university clinic, student union, university sports service and several sports facilities).

Nantes is the 6th biggest city in France with almost 300,000 inhabitants, and is the main city in the west of the country. It has several features which make it an attractive destination (history, culture, economy, employment, etc.).

You are thinking about coming from abroad to study at Nantes' Sport and Exercise Science and Technology Department :

Foreign Students - Study in Nantes

The UFR STAPS welcomes international students every year. It is also possible to follow a training course in English.

Foreign students enrolled at UFR STAPS can be mentored by a French student to accompany them throughout their course.
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Mis à jour le 06 October 2023.