Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives

Doctoral studies and qualification

Doctoral studies

A doctoral student is a new researcher, carrying out a research project which will culminate in a written thesis of original research and a viva presenting it. Doctoral studies are carried out within a research laboratory, which is itself integrated into the doctoral school, under the supervision of one (or several) qualified supervisor(s). Doctoral training and the viva lead to the rank of "Docteur" and the French national "doctorat" qualification, which is equivalent to a PhD. Doctoral students are members in their own right of the laboratory in which they carry out work towards their thesis.

Doctoral studies last three years, and follow a course which proves research aptitude. This is the final stage of higher education, corresponding to 8 years of post-secondary studies.


Students who hold a Master's or equivalent qualification, who would like to follow doctoral studies at the Nantes Université, can do so in one of the three following laboratories, which form the basis of the Sport and Exercise Science and Technology Department's research policy:
Mis à jour le 10 November 2021.