Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives

Vocational Degree : courses

Vocational degree in Sports activities, Option: Leadership, management and organisation of physical and sports activities: aquatic activities

This vocational degree leads to a qualification at a level equivalent to a 3-year bachelor's degree.  This course in leadership, management and organisation of activities linked to swimming takes one year and follows on from an initial course at a level equivalent to 2 years of higher (post-18) education, such as a 2-year Sport and Exercise Science and Technology course, a French DUT or BTS, or other 2-year courses (subject to conditions specified later). It is intended to prepare you professionally, and subsequently does not enable direct access to a Master's course.

This vocational degree has the aim of training professionals who are able to take on supervisory and management roles within public or private sports structures specialised in the aquatic domain. In other words, this course aims to provide students with a dual set of professional which is necessary for performing jobs related to aquatic activities (leading or teaching, management of aquatic structures and bathing both in pools and open water).

The course provides a lifeguard qualification (Maître Nageur Sauveteur -MNS), following the decree of 15 March 2010.

Mis à jour le 06 October 2023.